Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chris Gainor reviews the Summer of 2014 at the Saanich Observatory

Chris Gainor
Check out this great blog post from the indefatigable Chris Gainor. Chris is a well-known writer and historian specializing in the history of space exploration and aeronautics. He is the Second Vice President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and a Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society. He has authored four books and has a Ph.D. in the history of technology.

A great summer at the Centre of the Universe

The first summer of public outreach at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory since last year's closure of the Centre of the Universe educational centre has gone in the books as a major success.

Large crowds came out for Saturday night public observing at the DAO, and space camps held for young students were also well supported. Having said that, this year's public outreach was not trouble free, and a lot of work needs to be done in the coming months to ensure that public outreach continues on a more permanent basis.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Vox Humana at the Saanich Observatory!

Vox Humana is the best choir in town, making this a thrilling use of the acoustics and setting. Expect tickets to go fast. The concerts are on Friday, September 12 and Saturday, September 13.
- Friends of the DAO

Vox in the Stars
NRC Centre of the Universe, 5071 West Saanich Road 
Friday, September 12th, 2014 - 7:30pm 
Saturday, September 13th, 2014 - 7:30pm

*Only 90 tickets available to each performance!

Tickets: $30
Duration: about 1.5 hours
Entrance: open at 6:45pm (no late admission)

Tickets are NOT available at the concert. All tickets MUST be purchased in advance.

For more information or to buy tickets, visit:

Thank you

Thank you to all the volunteers, musician Ian Bezpalko, and visitors at the DAO tonight, our last Star Party for 2014. Over 430 visitors attended tonight. Many people were turned away at the base of the hill, regrettably. We are determined to offer more Star Parties in 2015. 
-Friends of the DAO

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Popham brings popcorn

Photo Credit: Jim Hesser.
Over 450 people attended the year’s final “Star Party” last night!

MLA Lana Popham brought hot chocolate and popcorn to celebrate the event and thank volunteers with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Thanks Lana!

Little Zev proudly volunteered all night, pouring more than 300 hot chocolates (only spilling one when distracted by talk of a tip :).